DIY Wellness Travel

 Do-it-Yourself Wellness Travel                     

I don't want my vacation to be more of the same home stress.

Do-it-Yourself Wellness Travel means taking care of YOU during the family vacation.
Learn tips to RECHARGE your body, mind and soul!

What is Wellness Travel?

Health & Wellness on your vacation

The Wellness Tourism Association states that Wellness Travel is "travel that allows the traveler to maintain, enhance or kick-start a healthy lifestyle and support or increase one's sense of well-being."

Do-it-Yourself Wellness Travel

How to incorporate wellness tools while you are on your family vacation

You may not be able to book a Wellness Spa trip to Bali, so let's add DIY Wellness Travel tips to your next family vacation to rejuvenate you body, mind & soul.
I have weekly YouTube videos with easy & useful tips!
YouTube channel
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